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Reiki treatment area


  • What to expect during a Reiki session

    Taking the time to center myself at the beginning of each session is a way to honor the practice. By mindfully being here now and acting in the highest interests of all involved, I visualize grounding myself deep into the core of the earth and opening my heart and mind to the wisdom that will arise. When we are fully present, we can revel in the experience and take in all the subtle cues in our environment.

    Consent is critical to build trust. Approaching a client and energetically asking permission is not only courteous but it also allows the energetic body to validate what a client has already verbally agreed to. For many of us, there has been a life experience where we said yes but felt unsure or didn't fully mean 'yes'. Honoring boundaries in ourselves and others is important.

    When a client is ready to begin, I get pulled in closer to the body. This feels magnetic and is a clear communication of 'yes' or 'work here, please'. We can all intuit energy; it's our first language. Each of us has a different set of sensations and symbols based on our life experience and an energetic ‘pull’ is mine.

    There is always purity and truth in the heart center. At our core, we radiate love for ourselves and others. For this reason, it is the first point of contact for my sessions. When we tune in, the heart and the brain always give direction of the needs of the rest of the body. I consistently work in the space above and around the physical body until cued closer.

    Inevitably, some spots need more time and attention as we work together and scan from head to toe. Clients are encouraged to design their own session. Many quietly rest with eyes closed and some ask questions, shift positions or share their sensations and experiences. Although focused attention is helpful, do whatever feels right to you! The flow of Reiki will be uninterrupted.

    Clients often report deep relaxation, sensations of warmth/heat, visualizations, sensing colors or 'hearing' words and phrases. It's also very common to experience physical changes in breathing (deeper, slower), digestion or muscle tension release. Because the body holds our emotions until we process them, working in the energy field of the body sometimes brings up stored emotions, memories or thoughts. Fighting a rising emotion or resisting these experiences works against your natural state of well-being. Reiki can help move and release these unprocessed experiences. It is best to stay present and breathe.

    Reiki is gentle and non-invasive. I've seen a diverse group of clients and served many during end-of-life care. There's never been a session that brought up emotions or trauma that wasn't ready to be shifted in an easy and tender way.

    Reiki is also known as energy work or biofield therapy. It is a healing modality that restores balance, often utilized as a holistic complementary therapy in functional and integrative medicine. It is noninvasive and works with the field of energy that surrounds the body.

    Sessions vary in length; as a session closes, there’s a last set of head-to-toe scans for any final adjustments. I then wrap or enclose the energetic field of a client, leaving a space for the heart-space to shine for the world to share. Internally, I share gratitude for the gift of time and complete the shared experience.

    A verbal cue or soft notification will signal the end of the session and clients can slowly waken the physical body and prepare for departure.

  • Shared Wisdom

    Check the external links below to learn more about a variety of topics to support well-being. These are personal recommendations that have resonated with me, not paid partnerships.

    Human Design is a detailed, holistic system of self-knowledge, discovery and understanding. It serves as a manual or guide that helps us explore our inner landscape. A personalized Human Design chart provides information and advice tailored to an individual. This synthesis of ancient and modern sciences is a vast network of information. Get a free personalized chart along with a 52 page introduction to the system here. Many have studied Human Design and can provide additional recommendations and services. Cari Beyerstedt has weaved together several healing modalities to provide a wealth of support for clients.

    The Huberman Lab Podcast discusses science and science-based tools for everyday life. New episodes are released every Monday.

    Through Louise Hay’s healing techniques and positive philosophy, millions have learned to create more of what they want in their lives–more wellness in their bodies, minds, and spirits. Heal your Body is a superb guide book by Louise Hay that lists physical ailments, emotional causes and affirmations to re-establish health in the physical body.

    Vishen Lakhiani is an entrepreneur, author, and activist on a mission to raise human consciousness. He founded the subscription based platform Mindvalley with the goal of bringing together the world’s top educators under one platform, to usher in a new era for humanity that is more empowered, connected, and collaborative than the status quo.

    Love is in the Earth by Melody is a phenomenal resource for those that already have a foundational understanding of crystal work. Searching an individual crystal meaning is also helpful; my best advice is to follow your guidance. If you are at a local lapidary or retail shop and find yourself drawn to something, pay attention and honor that cue.

    International Association of Reiki Professionals is a paid membership organization. The website is filled with a myriad of Reiki history and articles.

    Collective and individualized messages provide insight and guidance. Always follow your instincts. Many have been guided to provide information for the collective for free on a variety of platforms like Instagram and YouTube to reach a broad audience with important information. Nicholas Ashbaugh is available on multiple platforms with readings ranging from 1 minute daily Tarot card readings on IG to longer streams on YouTube for specific astrological signs and events. Every sign gets a monthly reading and familiarity with natal chart is helpful, as multiple readings may resonate. These readings conclude with brief meditations for integration. Kass Huff is a gifted and skilled medium based out of the Pacific Northwest.

  • Tools

    Well-being is multifaceted. Here are some practical tools for your journey.

    Botanicals and plant medicine provide great support. This high-quality essential oil company tests their batches with a third party and offers tracking on the website. Unlike popularized competitors, Rocky Mountain Oils is not a multi-level marketing company. Packaging has recycled content and pricing is reasonable with frequent discount offers as well as wholesale options.

    Meditation is a broad term and can be focused attention on any thought, activity or object that brings mental clarity, emotional calm and stability. There are countless benefits of implementing a regular meditation practice in life. Yoga nidra is a guided meditation that is incredibly beneficial. Be sure to try it out, particularly if you have an existing belief that meditation is hard.

    A mudra is a sacred and symbolic gesture found in yoga, Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. The most well-known mudras are used during yoga and meditation practice as a means of channeling the flow of vital life force energy. The term translates from Sanskrit as "gesture,"’ "mark" or "seal".

    Angels and Ascended Masters exist in realms higher than our earthly associations of them inside any specific organized religion can fully comprehend. They offer consistent guidance, love, acceptance and understanding. Providing support all day every day when we ask for it, the feedback may be stern but is always free from judgement or condemnation. They want us to be the best we can be while fully loving us just as we are, even if we never change. Learn more about Archangels, Angels & ancient prophets with Cynthia Silk.

    Podcasts are a phenomenal way to learn and grow. Many platforms are available and links are periodically updated from the Instagram link below. Recommended listening is also welcome! Some of my favorites include Huberman Lab and Mindvalley, with websites linked under Shared Wisdom on this page.

    Breath work can be a deeply grounding and connective practice. The methods are vast and tutorials are readily available through platforms like YouTube. Warming breath (Tummo), cooling breath (Sitali), box breathing and psychological sigh are just a few methods that grown in popularity and are personal favorites.

    Binaural beats and specific frequencies resonate with different energy centers of the body and can be used for meditation and healing. They can readily be streamed through multiple online platforms.

    ColorQuiz is a free five minute personality test based on decades of research by color psychologists around the world. There are no complicated questions to answer, you simply choose colors with a click of the mouse. This quiz provides insight on existing experiences.

    Understanding the often symbolic language of insight is an individual journey. Each of us has a different dialect based on our human experience. Dream Moods is a free online dictionary that provides a foundation for intuitive symbols. Take what resonates and explore the nuances of your individual intuitive language.

    Everyone has access to intuitive and psychic information and each of us has unique gifts. Not every psychic predicts the future or channels messages from deceased loved ones. Every intuitive has had an unexpected experience in their life that was not revealed beforehand. Connecting people with their invisible allies (Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters), healing and teaching others to do the same, optimizing plant and earth medicine and accessing Akashic records are all deeply important ways to serve. I will continue to learn and grow in this process of perfection and that’s part of the fun. Be patient with self and others. Comparison is the mother of all insecurity and no one else is quite like you. You made it this far in perfect time and you’re doing great. One foot in front of the other.

    There is constant communication and support from Universe. I encourage additional research for all of the following experiences:

    Seeing repeat numbers, also known as Angel Numbers and Master Numbers

    Sharing space and time with animals, feeling connected to a specific creature, or animal symbolism

    Hearing music, rhythm or tones. Tinnitus can also be a symptom of an opening channel of communication

    I am happy to share all resources and insights that come up in session relevant to specific clients. You are your own Guru, with the ability to Welcome Wellbeing into every facet of life. Thank you for inviting me along on your journey; ‘walking together’ is one of my favorite things. Whether it’s a brief encounter or long-standing professional relationship, please know I appreciate you and had SO. MUCH. FUN.