
certified Usui Holy Fire® III Ryoho Reiki Master Heather Sandstede

Heather is a certified Usui Holy Fire® III Ryoho Karuna® Reiki Master, most recently studying under William Lee Rand with the International Center for Reiki Training. She is dedicated to providing the best experience for each client and being an ambassador for the practice. Actively working with a variety of clients utilizing Reiki since 2018, she has served many with terminal illness, supporting imminent end of life care. Shortly after college graduation, the alternative medicine journey began. As a certified breath and sound facilitator, crystal worker and intuitive, Heather utilizes multiple healing modalities in session to best serve each client. Scientific studies, medical schools and hospitals increasingly utilize non-traditional modalities and these methods are successfully being embraced and integrated with western medicine. To Welcome Wellbeing into our lives is a life-long practice. Clients are encouraged to seek supportive practitioners that resonate with them, witness the mind and ultimately listen to their internal compass for guidance. In this way, we honor the infinite uniqueness and interconnectedness of us all. Heather loves to work with Reiki energy, bringing full presence to promote health of the body, mind and spirit.


“It’s not the destination, it’s the journey”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance