Described simply in one word, Reiki is love.

More descriptively, Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

As life force (Ki, Prana, Qi, Chi) flows within our physical bodies through pathways called chakras, meridians and nadis, it also passes directly through the organs and tissues. The aura, a field of energy around us, is Ki as well. This vibrational energy nourishes the organs and cells of the body and is responsive to thoughts and emotions. Reiki clears, straightens and fosters healing in the energy pathways, thus allowing healthy Ki to flow in a natural way. Reiki is administered by "light touch" on the physical body as well as above, around and remotely, known as "no touch".

Reiki helps minor ailments to major health concerns by releasing stress.

This includes:

  • anxiety, depression & grief

  • sleep quality/insomnia

  • physical, emotional, mental & energetic stress

  • fortifies empowerment & self-esteem

  • heightens mental clarity, self-awareness & intuition

  • support for substance abuse recovery

  • accelerates natural self-healing and faster recovery time after injury or surgery

  • strengthens immune system, relieves pain & stiffness

  • helps in treatment & preventing the development of disease

  • detoxifies the body, smooths digestion

  • provides emotional support & removes energetic blocks

  • helps meditative states, aids relaxation

  • promotes personal awareness

  • enhances spiritual connection

Additionally, Holy Fire Karuna® Reiki targets cellular level healing:

  • Past life, karmic issues, epigenetics & ancestral line

  • unconscious patterns & shadow self

  • deeper level healing for physical & sexual abuse, insomnia, fear, panic and addictions

  • creates determination & completion, helps develop healthy habits, empowers goals

  • develops compassionate action

  • grounds, provides lower chakra support & harmonizes upper chakras with lower chakras

  • manifests material goals & increases creativity

  • heals communication & codependency

  • clears mind, improves learning ability, creates priorities, increases clairvoyance

  • lifts emotional pain, bringing an awareness of the true cause of pain in a way that completes the healing

  • heals reality awareness and the extreme polarity in the collective experience by healing individual awareness based on values

  • contact spiritual beings, dispels psychic and psychological attack & clears a room of negative energies

  • heals the earth, promotes inner peace, creates trust in life & heals the human race

  • manifests best results

Denver Reiki treatment
Reiki treatment around foot
Reiki healing heat sensation

Receive Reiki

Book a session to support body, mind & spirit

Clients received in Denver Metro service area*

Details on payments accepted and directions are included with confirmed appointment e-mail from

Secure payment expected within 24hrs of confirmed appointment. Booking requests within 48hr window require secure payment with confirmation


60 minutes

A 60 minute session includes consultation time before and after Reiki as clients prefer

+$10 for Reiki in your home within service area*


90 minutes

A 90 minute session includes consultation time before and after Reiki as clients prefer

+$10 for Reiki in your home within service area

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Usui Reiki History

Originating in Japan in the early 1900's, Usui Reiki developed as Usui Sensei went to meditate on a mountain in search of peace and to experience a specific type of enlightenment (Anshin-Ritsu-Mei) where one is guided to fulfill one's life purpose. When running down the mountain to tell others what he experienced when he entered this state, Usui Sensei tripped and injured his toe. After placing his hands on his toe, as we naturally do during injury, he felt sensations of warmth and the pain disappeared. He soon discovered his toe was completely healed and realized this was his life purpose, to heal others and teach others to be healers.