Chakra Support

  • Root (1st, red)

    Located at the base of the spine in the area of the tailbone, this chakra filters energy up from the earth and connects our higher energies to the basic reality of life. The resources we need for survival (food, shelter, money, emotional ties) and our sense of security in the world are housed here. When we lose our connection to Mother Earth, change is effected in the root chakra. The dysfunctional archetype of the root chakra is the Victim and the functional archetype is the Mother.

    Health and well-being in this chakra creates the foundation for each corresponding energy center, so nourish your roots! Corresponding chakras are 3rd eye & crown; imbalances in those energy centers get solved here first.

    Glands: Adrenal

    Body: Feet, legs, teeth, pelvic floor, blood vessels that supply genitals and urinary tract, prostate, external genitalia in men and women, large intestine (L1), Lumbar spine (L1 - L5), pelvis, hips/ buttocks (S1) & tailbone (coccysx S2)

    Symptoms of block: Fearful, anxious, unsure, financial instability, degenerative arthritis, knee troubles, undernourishment, constipation, sciatica, ungrounded

    Balanced: Safe, secure, centered, grounded, open, generous, supportive, giving, happy to be alive

    Overactive: Hemorrhoids, aggression, overconsumption, materialism, cynicism

    Crystals: Black Onyx, Obsidian, Ruby, Carnelian, Red Jasper, Smokey Quartz, Hematite, Shungite, Stromatolite

    Element: Earth

    Emotion: Survival, safety, security, stillness/stability “I am”

    Exercises: Hatha yoga (child’s pose, sun salutations A and B), breath work: visualize feet as roots pulling each long breath from deep into the earth to the top of the head. Deep breaths that expand the ribs and fill the belly, grounding/ meditative exercises vary by person and can include: trail running, peaceful stillness, any activity you enjoy that involve physical contact with the earth (gardening, cooking whole foods, walking barefoot with care, rock climbing/scrambling), holding crystals, make a sand castle or play in the mud, ecstatic dance, practice 3-3-3 or 5-4-3-2-1 rule and acknowledge the senses, shake out arms and legs, kegel, jump rope, kickboxing, ski, snowboard, ride the bus or train and practice finding center of gravity by standing and bending legs without holding on to anything, cold plunge (with care), climb stairs

    Food: Root vegetables, protein rich foods, red fruits

    Aromatherapy: Vetiver, cedarwood, angelica

    Solfeggio frequency: 369HZ - 432
    vertebral column, blood and specific organs have also been found to have unique frequencies

    Questions: Do I believe I am worthy of happiness/ respect/ health/ love/ money/ friendship/ success? In what ways can I nurture and care for myself? Examples include food prep, clean living space, take care of belongings, rest, relax, take care of emotions and ask for help, accepting acts of love and kindness, separate self from dependent relationships that may leave you drained.

    Affirmations: (At this moment) I am safe and all is well. I am a child of the universe and I am always loved and protected. I welcome abundance into my life. I am independent and strong. I choose the present and fill it with fun, joy and life. I trust in the good. My cherished ones are safe and secure. I am ready to accept support. I affirm I am strong and able to handle any situation. The universe supports my growth and development. I have learned from this challenge and that makes it beneficial. I love and protect my inner child. I look after my needs in the best way I can. I am worthy of security, love and abundance. I take time to care for myself and allow others to care for me as well. I nourish my body, mind and spirit with love and tenderness. I trust that my needs can be met in a loving and respectful way. When authentically me, I am always enough and never ‘too much’.

    Corresponding Clair: Clairalience

  • Sacral (2nd, orange)

    Located in the lumbar spine (lower abdomen) just below the naval. This chakra governs our sense of abundance, well-being, dreams creative and emotional expression, pleasure and sexuality. Exploited by modern culture, most everyone can benefit from consciously allowing greater health and wellness into this space. The dysfunctional archetype connected with this chakra is the Martyr, the functional archetype is the Empress/Emperor. Be PROUD and care for this energy center with reverence and love!

    Glands: Gonads

    Body: Spleen, urinary tract, kidneys, bladder, internal sex organs (ovaries, uterus, prostate), bowel, blood, Sacrum, Lumbar spine (L1-L3), Thoracic spine (T9-12)

    Symptoms of block: Guilt, low libido, fear of intimacy, lack of creativity, impotence, premature or delayed ejaculation/orgasm, simultaneous climax with partner is infrequent, constipation, frigidity, urine, bladder or kidney trouble, stiff lower back, menstrual cycle/menopause issues, feeling isolated

    Balanced: Passion, has sex-positive attitudes and behaviors, inspired to create and imagine, optimistic, full presence, open, empathetic, radiant, spontaneous

    Overactive: Rarely single on purpose or incompatibility in partnerships, fear of being alone or anxious attachment, possessive feelings/behaviors, manipulating to get needs met, overwhelming emotions, cysts, dependance/addictions (i.e. food/ work/ media/drugs/ shopping/ sex/ video games/ alcohol), hedonistic, sexually destructive or obsessive attitudes and behaviors

    Crystals: Amber, Coral, Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Tiger Eye, Aventurine (red/brown), Jasper and Garnet (red)

    Element: Water

    Emotion: Desire, creative expression, positive sexuality “I feel”

    Exercises: Yoga (cobra, tree, butterfly, Goddess and crescent poses, wide angle forward bend, frog & bridge poses), breath work, sex-positive behaviors, tantra, strength training (hip thrust & squats), dance (Hula/belly or ecstatic dance), swimming, cycling, skiing, doubles sports (tennis, partner yoga, go to the gym with a cherished one, martial arts(moving meditation), 1 on 1 b-ball, get a massage. Creative expression varies and can include: building and inventing, dance, singing (in the shower/car!) music, creating art, mowing the lawn, painting (the house & car count too), journaling, spending time with cherished ones, create a vision board/book

    Food: Liquids (water, juice, herbal tea), almonds, papaya, melon, passion fruit, pumpkin, citrus, coconut, mango

    Aromatherapy: Orange*, tangerine*, grapefruit*, bergamot* jasmine, neroli, rosewood, geranium

    *photosensitive oils, not for use undiluted on skin when exposed to sun

    Solfeggio frequency: 417HZ-480

    Questions: Do you believe it’s better to give than receive? Do you feel worthy/ less worthy than others to receive good things? What are your beliefs around entitlement and happiness? What do you really want that will bring you happiness and joy? Are you willing to develop your creativity and live your own life?

    Affirmations: I love who I am. Life is sweet and I enjoy it. I am powerful and influential in my world. My goat is un-gettable; I am happy and content. I accept pleasure as a part of my being. Life feels good right now. I am enough and what I do is enough. I enjoy being free and open to the goodness around me. I give myself permission to enjoy everything I do. I am easy with myself and trust my life is unfolding in wonderful and joyful ways. I am safe and all is well. I embrace pleasure and abundance. I give myself permission to enjoy my sexuality fully. The sweetness of life flows through me and I radiate its joy. I value my strong/ beautiful/ sexy/ creative/ brave/ proud/ dynamic/ emotional self. I am a creative being and attract people who treat me with kindness, love and respect.

    Corresponding Clair: Clairsentience, Clairtangency, and Clairtaction

  • Solar Plexus (3rd, yellow)

    Located in the upper abdomen in the stomach region, it energizes the organs of digestion and helps us to sensitize ourselves to our environment. Emotions stored here relate to self-worth, empowerment and decision-making. The Servant is the dysfunctional archetype of the Solar Plexus and the Warrior is the functional one.

    Glands: Pancreas, adrenals

    Body: Pancreas, bladder (part of), stomach, liver, gall bladder, small intestine, skin, Thoracic spine (T4 - T12)

    Symptoms of block: Shame, low self-esteem, feeling powerless, inferiority, hypoglycemia, diabetes, ulcers, acne, digestive disorders, excess (belly) weight or improper metabolism, frequently cold

    Balanced: Confident, personal power, drive, healthy self-image, feeling ‘in control’ able to handle whatever comes

    Overactive: Thirst for power, domineering, perfectionist, critical, dependance to ‘energy foods’ and sugar

    Crystals: Citrine, rutilated quartz, amber, topaz, pyrite, yellow jade and jasper, moonstone

    Element: Fire

    Emotion: Purpose, personal power “I do”

    Exercises: Do something different. If sluggish, get moving. If hyperactive, be still. Break repetitive patterns and choose a challenge. Taking things too seriously can really make us lose touch with our power. Ability to laugh at ourselves/a situation equates power. Group exercise: laughing circle

    Yoga (warrior, bow, pike pose), breath work, Aikido, Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Karate, hike in the mountains/ train in altitude, cycle, lift weights, run, rock climb or scramble, dance (belly, Hula, ecstatic), HIIT workout, Abs day, jump rope, go to a trampoline park, ski, hunt, play contact sports, build or make something, LAUGH, go explore or learn somewhere new, sell or give away things that don’t hold any more allure for you, make decisions that involve going for what you want (even little ones), spend time outside or in the sun

    Food: Whole grains, pineapple, yellow peppers, a cup of chamomile tea

    Aromatherapy: Bergamot*, lemon*, sandalwood, saffron, musk, dragon’s blood, cinnamon, ginger

    *photosensitive oils, not for use undiluted on skin when exposed to sun

    Solfeggio frequency: 528HZ

    Questions: What can I let go of that no longer serves me (physical, mental, emotional)? What are my beliefs around value and self-worth? Have I experienced love must be ‘earned’ through achievement? Do I believe I am worthy of love as I am in this moment and even in imperfection?

    Affirmations: I am worth my weight in gold. I am free to choose love, joy and happiness in my life. I am willing to grow and mature into the best person I can be. I give myself grace and room to breathe, explore, make mistakes and learn all of my days. I am the only person who knows what is best for me. Goodness and joy are mine. I deserve them. I am valuable just as I am; my value is not transactional. I am worthy of my own self love. I heal and grow every day. I am confident in all that I do. I stand up for myself. I respect myself at all times. I choose health, healing and happiness. I act with courage and strength. I value myself and know what is best for me. I refuse to let others project their negativity. I am my own person, free to choose what is best for me. I am worth all the good and wonderful things I want.

  • Heart (4th, green and pink)

    Located in the center of the chest above the region of the physical heart, it relates to our emotional self, sincerity, love and joy. When healthy, it allows us to reach out to others as well as form intimate loving bonds with people in the world around us. Science describes this process as affinity. In chemistry, it’s the tendency of one substance to enter into and remain in combination with another substance. Science has validated what the open hearted know to be true; at an atomic level, there is an intrinsic fit and bonding, where a more permanent connection forms. This can also be seen as a vibrational quality, or harmonious state, that gives coherency to everything we say or do. There is always purity and truth in the heart center; at our core, we radiate love for ourselves and others. For this reason, it is the first point of contact for my sessions. People with open hearts are a blessing in any family, friend circle or community; they teach us bravery, love, kindness, integrity, forgiveness, patience and empathy. The dysfunctional archetype of the Heart chakra is the Actor/Actress and the functional archetype is the Lover.

    Glands: Thymus

    Body: Lower lung, lymph and immune system, heart, pericardium, circulatory system, arms, hands, Thoracic spine (T1-T5)

    Symptoms of block: Grief, lack of empathy, bitter, hateful, trust or abandonment issues, lung disease, intolerance, loneliness, asthma (shortness of breath)

    Balanced: Peaceful, loving, compassionate, devotion, tolerance, warm, open, joyful, empathetic

    Overactive: Jealous, high blood pressure, heart disease, codependent behaviors, self-sacrificing, unclear or unmanaged boundaries, resentment

    Crystals: Amazonite, chrysoprase, tourmaline, emerald, aventurine, rose quartz, jade, malachite

    Element: Air

    Emotion: Balance, unity, kinship, love and peace. “I love.”

    Exercises: Bhakti, grounding and heart opening yoga and legs up the wall pose, deep breathing (the complete breath), breath of fire, alternate nostril breathing, Bandhas, Tai Chi, cardio, strength training, swimming, dancing, hiking in nature or near bodies of water, mechanics/working on machinery, gymnastics, inversions and backbends, arm circles, play with pets, child-like play, celebrate yourself or someone else in their preferred love language, watch your favorite funny movie

    Food: Green salads, vegetables, hot soups, vitamin C rich foods

    Aromatherapy: Geranium, ylang ylang, lavendar, jasmine, orris root, yarrow, majoram, meadowsweet

    Solfeggio frequency: 639HZ, 552HZ-624

    Questions: What are some creative ways to show love and reverence for myself today? Who have been the people I’m most grateful for in my life? What can I do to show appreciation? What am I grateful for? Where am I holding onto big emotions?*

    *Emotions are held in the body whether we acknowledge them or not and ‘letting go’ is not a linear process. Helpful tools include guided meditations, Ho’oponopono, carving out time to let emotions flow without demands or goals in mind, breath work (two short inhales one long exhale sigh), child’s pose and placing one hand on the forehead and the other behind the head at the base of the neck

    Affirmations: I am kind to myself. Love opens me to new realms of being. I am able to incrementally let go of the past & can often forgive myself and others. I love myself and others fearlessly. I recognize the depth of my sadness is equal to the depth of my love. I allow love to come into my life and fill me with happiness and joy. I am one with all of life. I open my heart and accept others as they are. I am perfectly myself and love the “me” I know myself to be. I love and accept myself just as I am. I allow love to guide all my actions.

    Corresponding Clair: Clairempathy

  • Throat (5th, blue)

    Located in the throat, where it acts as a “bridge between the mind and the heart” it is the center of communication, creativity, self-expression, willpower and truth. Operating from this chakra, one becomes aware of things on a vibrational level. As an example, a person may respond to the tone of a voice more than the actual words spoken. This chakra is alive and expressive when we are able to advocate our feelings clearly and honestly. Corresponding chakra is Sacral (2nd), so be cognizant and balance equally. The dysfunctional archetype is the Silent Child and the functional one is the Communicator.

    Glands: Thyroid, parathyroid

    Body: Throat, neck, ears, mouth, respiratory system, sinus, teeth, gums, Cervical spine (C3-C7)

    Symptoms of block: Dishonesty with self or others, difficulty with self-expression or speaking out, TMJ, raspy or chronic sore throat, laryngitis, secrets, poor listening habits, chronic neck, shoulder or mouth issues, hypothyroidism

    Balanced: Honest, confident and clear communication, able to speak inner truth, diplomatic, stands in integrity, holds appropriate boundaries and honors self

    Overactive: Opinionated, loud, critical, gossipy, harsh words, loud or talks over others, mouth ulcers, hyperthyroidism, anxiety around communicating

    Crystals: Turquoise, aquamarine, blue lace agate, sodalite, chalcedony

    Element: Sound/Ether

    Emotion: Self-Expression, healing. “I speak.”

    Exercises: Yoga (shoulder stand, fish & plough pose as well as hip opening poses), breath work, cardio, gymnastics, team sports, chanting, shouting, cheering, singing, playing drums, reading out loud, listening to nature and music, honoring your personal “yes” and “no”, journaling, verbalizing jokes, stories and poetry, study and work with Cymatics and Seed Sounds, play charades, attend a silent retreat, do head/neck/shoulder rolls

    Food: Fruits, honey, herbal tea, lemongrass, blueberries and foods that grow on trees

    Aromatherapy: Eucalyptus, peppermint, spearmint, ginger, lavender, sage, frankinscense, mace, basil and tulsi

    Solfeggio frequency: 741HZ, 672

    Questions: What are five things that make me smile? Which (of the emotion wheel) feelings can I identify with right now? What is an incredible memory I want to remember forever?

    Affirmations: I speak up for myself and others value what I have to say. I listen to my inner voice. I am entitled express my feelings. I speak from my heart. All of my emotions are a part of the human experience and they are valid. I select my words with care and love. I can do hard things. It is safe for me to feel big emotions. I am a joyful and creative soul. My powerful voice resonates with my depth, strength, beauty and truth. I listen to my feelings and express them in an appropriate way.

    Corresponding Clair: Claireloquence, clairaudience and telepathy

  • Third Eye (6th, indigo)

    Located in the forehead between the eyebrows, it governs our ability to think and discern, use our intuition and imagination as well as gather information from our life experiences. Thoughts and attitudes that enable us to change our perceptions and ideas about how life is and how we think it should be are here in the “control center”. Similar to the crown chakra, imbalances in the Third Eye must also be considerate of the Root chakra so that a firm foundation is created. The dysfunctional archetype of this chakra is the Intellectual and the functional archetype is the Sage.

    Glands: Pineal

    Body: Brain, autonomic nervous system, eyes, Cervical spine (C2)

    “The human eye is responsible not only for eyesight, but also mood and level of alertness. All of these components are included in what we call vision. Neural retinas are part of the central nervous system; they are part of the brain, and the only part of your brain that sits outside the cranial vault.”

    -Dr. Andrew Huberman, Associate Professor of Neurobiology and, by courtesy, of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Stanford University of Medicine

    Symptoms of block: Illusion, poor judgement, lack of focus or imagination, can’t see beyond the physical world, problems with vision (blindness), eye strain, headaches

    Balanced: Intuitive, imaginative, clear thoughts and visions, senses “greater truth” beyond the physical world

    Overactive: Nightmares, blurred vision, delusions, hallucinations, obsessive

    Crystals: Amazonite, rose quartz, star sapphire, emerald, aventurine, chrysoprase

    Element: Light

    Emotion: Intuition, imagination. “I see.”

    Exercises: Yantra Yoga, breath work & grounding (music/dance), candle gazing, meditation ie: any activity where you relax and witness the mind; this can be running or gardening for you

    Food: Salmon, walnuts, dark chocolate and purple foods (eggplant, cabbage), entheogens*

    *benefits are extremely individualized and the use must always be in reverence, moderation and with proper guidance before, during and after a practice

    Aromatherapy: Myrrh, frankincense, chamomile, clary sage, sandalwood, mugwart, star anise, acacia, saffron

    Solfeggio frequency: 852HZ, 720

    Questions: What am I grateful for? What can I do today that is playful/ fun/ creative/ child-like? What music resonates with me today and why? What is a situation where I may not be seeing the whole picture clearly and how can I open to truth? When I look at this situation through the lens of love, what perceptions/paradigms change?

    Affirmations: I am wise. I integrate the light and shadowy sides of myself by giving my negativity space to be and then letting it go. There is value and balance in light and dark. I love and trust that my life is unfolding as it should. I am a process of perfection. My perceptions and goals are always evolving. The journey is the destination. I listen to my inner voice and let it guide me to peace and happiness. I am guided by my inner compass and am the authority on what is ultimately right for me. I open my imagination to create the best of all possible worlds for myself. All that I need is within myself. This world is filled with abundant, infinite possibilities for me.

  • Crown (7th, violet and white)

    The health of chakras 1-3 are often mirrored in chakras 4-6. Think about a tree: you must care for the foundation/ root (1st chakra) as well as the canopy (7th). Strengthen and secure the root chakra whenever working with the crown. IT’S IMPORTANT!

    Located at the crown of the head and links us with beauty, refinement and our spiritual nature. It is the “bridge to the cosmos” and grounds the spirit into the body. This chakra grows and develops as we mature. The dysfunctional archetype is the Egotist and the functional archetype is the Guru.

    Anodea Judith, PhD, and author of Wheels of Life, speaks to the relationship between scientific study and metaphysics by saying: Data from parapsychological research, past life regression in some cases, where facts have been objectively provable, along with other studies have shown there are certain qualities of the mind that exist independently of the brain. This implies there is some kind of information field existing independently of its perceiver, much as radio waves exist independently of radios, or the Internet exists whether or not you have a computer. The body, with its amazing nervous system and reactive capacity, is the receiver of this information, just as your computer can receive and download information from the internet. This field, though it may be immaterial in the physical world, is nonetheless a very real and causative factor, just as the invisible magnetic field causes metal shavings to take a certain shape. This is why the higher planes are often called causal planes. When we ‘tune in’ we can tap this information field and enter the realm of causality.

    Glands: Pituitary

    Body: Head, central nervous system, cerebral cortex, Cervical spine (C1)

    Symptoms of block: Attachment, depression, brain fog, dizziness (vertigo), headaches, weak faith, anger at divine, confusion

    Balanced: Universal love, awareness/full presence, wisdom, understanding, senses ‘greater truth’ beyond the physical world

    Overactive: Dogmatic, judgemental, spiritual addiction, ungrounded

    Crystals: Selenite, amethyst, moonstone, clear quartz as well as grounding stones like obsidian (as above, so below! See Root/1st chakra), moldavite (with care), diamond

    Element: Thought

    Emotion: Bliss, connection with source(spirituality), causality. “I understand.”

    Exercises: Yoga (lotus, headstand, corpse pose), breath work: during stress 1-3 rounds of ‘psychological sigh’. This is a double inhale followed by a long exhale. During a relaxed state, Tummo breathing. Grounding, gratitude, compassion

    Food: more spiritual than physical, this chakra is nourished by meditation, fasting, prayer & classical/spiritual music you love. Detox with fresh fruit/veggie juice, ginger & lots of water. entheogens*

    *benefits are extremely individualized and the use must always be in reverence, moderation and with proper guidance before, during and after a practice

    Aromatherapy: Sandalwood, saffron, lotus, jasmine

    Solfeggio frequency: 963HZ, 768

    Questions: What is my true nature? Find something beautiful/ graceful/ timid/ innocent/ humorous about yourself. Take a serious look at ego identifications. Whom/what do you identify with(ie: sex, nationality, economic status, education, profession) Do you experience yourself as something more than this? What opportunities will you take today to laugh with others, share joy, develop compassion for all of life and learn from the world’s spiritual leaders?

    Affirmations: It is safe for me to see the truth. I am truth, freedom, love and beauty. I live in the realm of cosmic consciousness. I am at one with all of life/the forces of life. I am supported and held in love by higher power. I have faith in the process of my life and I’m doing great. Every day, I’m finding new ways to honor my true nature. Even in challenging times I have purpose. I connect with the highest, clearest vibrations of love in the universe.

    Corresponding Clair: Claircognizance, Clairessence